Bring your own device policy

How you can benefit from allowing staff to bring their devices to work

First published on Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Last updated on Tuesday, December 17, 2024

It’s not surprising in this age of gadgetry that your employees will bring some of their products into work.

This can create some concerns for your business. Are your staff members working or procrastinating?

Well, to make things clear to all of your business you can introduce a bring your own device (BYOD) policy—although it isn’t a legal requirement, it can help make your policies clear to your workforce.

But what exactly should go into that? Let’s take a look.

Choosing the term you want to use

First off, let’s take a closer look at some of the variations on concept. There are quite a few to consider:

  • Bring your own technology (BYOT)

  • Bring your own phone (BYOP)

  • Bring your own personal computer (BYOPC)

For this article, we’ll stick with bring your own device recommendations—but it’s really up to you what you want to call it as the same personnel and security precautions apply.

Devices you might want to include

You’ll need to create a bring your own device to work policy. In that, you can establish all the procedures you want employees to follow.

The purpose of a corporate BYOD policy is to allow your staff members to bring in their personal devices. These can include:

  • Smartphones

  • Laptops, tablets and desktop computers

  • Smart watches

  • Smart glasses

  • USB flash drives

  • Personal or external hard drives

  • Keyboards, mice, or webcams

This can be for business purposes only, but you may also want to allow your employees to have designated device zones for personal time.

Primarily, your staff will use the device for work. This includes potentially accessing your business information and other applications.

An industry term for this new craze is IT consumerisation.

What are the benefits of BYOD?

The idea is that staff have their own devices at all times, so can work longer hours with your systems and respond to emails-projects later into the day (or early in the morning).

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should completely overwork your employees, as downtime is essential for productivity. But it’s also a legal requirement due to the laws regarding working time..

Be wary of presenteeism and its long-term effects on your business. If your staff are putting in a lot of overtime for you, reward them for their efforts with holiday time or a bonus. Neither are a legal requirement, though, as this is more to maintain employee morale.

How do you set up a BYOD policy?

You’ll want to follow BYOD best practices when setting up your procedures.

But once you know that you want to set up a policy, how do you go about it? Well, there are various points to consider.

We summarise these below for you:

Employee risks and responsibilities

Common issues such as misconduct, discrimination , and confidentiality will need addressing. When there’s device misuse, there can be serious consequences. Establish BYOD guidelines indicating what the proper procedures are.

Data protection clauses

Establish a BYOD agreement that work and sensitive data will remain your property. Include a requirement that an employee must delete your private data if they leave your business.

Just remember to discuss with your IT department (if you have one) on how you’ll police the situation, as staff won’t always follow your policy to the letter. It can be difficult to tell if a staff member has broken your rules, so consider how to deal with this carefully.

You should also remember that employee should be able to show they understand your rules. You can ask them to sign a statement indicating they’re aware of your procedures. This protects your business at a later date, should there be any breaches.

You can provide staff with a BYOD policy document that explains all of the above—they should be able to refer to this whenever they need to.

Another major part of your BYOD policy best practices should focus on security. And we’ve dedicated an entire section on this below.

Security procedures to follow

Obviously, you can’t just let everyone turn up with their devices and now have a BYOD security policy.

There are BYOD security risks you’ll need to carefully consider before deciding on whether you want to go ahead with this concept.

BYOD security risks come about due to the new access routes to data that become available. So you must be aware of concerns regarding:

Despite bring your own device security potentially being an issue, if you follow recommended BYOD security solutions then you’ll be in a good position to avoid any issues.

Here are some of the essential steps you can follow to maintain strong security measures:

  • Review your systems regularly by looking for opportunities to remove or minimise any vulnerabilities you find.

  • Use a trial basis to start your policy—make sure it actually works for your business before implementing it on a wider scale.

  • Vet the various devices you’ll be using ensuing your staff members only ever use secure products.

  • Make sure that you have a comprehensive password security system in place.

  • Use encryption software to store personal data securely

But if you still have any BOYD security concerns, then you can contact us for assistance with your procedures.

Need more assistance?

We’re here to help. Get in touch today if you’re looking to set up your bring your BYOD device policy.

Al Brown

Chief Technology Officer

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