Choose BrightHR for complete people management support

HR Software alone isn't enough to make your business run effectively.

Get comprehensive support so you can truly focus on growing your business.

Google Reviews 4.7/5

See how you get the most out of your HR package with BrightHR:

Employee recognition platform
2 out of 10
Expenses tracker
3 out of 10
24/7 HR advice line
1 out of 10
Health and safety software
1 out of 10
Free business advertising platform
0 out of 10
E-learning platform for HR and Health and Safety courses
4 out of 10
Health and safety advice
1 out of 10
HR document library
2 out of 10
All of the above features
0 out of 10

Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR

DominosManchuCanadian TirePetvaluOrangetheoryTim Hortons

Why customers choose BrightHR over Competitors:

With BrightAdvice you can:

  • Enjoy unlimited HR and employment advice at any hour of the day
  • Access an entire library of expertly written policies, templates, and guides on a range of HR, and employment topics
  • Protect your business from escalating employee issues and legal costs

Why customers choose BrightAdvice over other employment law support:

With BrightAdvice, you can reach a team of HR experts and get advice at any hour of the day AND keep a confidential record of your past calls directly from your software.

Tackle changing employment law and any staff issue with confidence and a team of Canadian-based advisors on your side.

Interested in BrightHR? See it in action

Explore our award-winning software and see our range of end-to-end people management tools for yourself.