HR Advice - Employment Relations


Get a direct line to qualified HR experts

Confused by contracts? Perplexed by paperwork? Distressed by difficult staff? Then it’s time you took a little BrightAdvice from our employment relations helpline.

  • checkThe fastest route to solving your employment relations problems.
  • checkQualified, local employment relations advisors at the end of the phone.
  • checkDesigned for smaller businesses and the HR issues affecting you.
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Expert advice for your small business

Say you have a big employment relations problem—perhaps you want to get rid of a nightmare employee. What’s your best option? Forget about big city lawyers with their costly lawyer fees, use BrightAdvice.

It gives you quick access to Canadian expert advisors when you need it most. Plus, our advisors won’t bombard you with legal jargon either.

  • checkSpeak to our group’s qualified HR advisors available 24/7.
  • checkGet confidential employment relations advice to help you avoid litigation and huge financial penalties.
  • checkRecieve clear, useful advice perfectly suited to your business.

*Bonus Document Templates BrightAdvice gives you a library of sample HR templates. So, anytime you need to see an example of what to put in your documents and policies, head to the BrightAdvice library to download.

Help yourself to a bit of BrightAdvice

With BrightAdvice, you save money while you save your business. Call for help about any employment relations problem you are facing, including:

  • checkDisciplinary problems
  • checkSick leave and pay
  • checkMaternity and paternity leave
  • checkStaff contracts

Let’s chat about what you need and show you how BrightAdvice brings you more than a little peace of mind. Call today on 1 888 220 4924.