Payback calculator

Discover your savings with BrightHR’s return on investment calculator

Looking to make significant savings in both time and money for your business? Our return on investment calculator can help you see the cost savings of becoming a BrightHR customer.


Did you know that over the year, the average business will:

Spend 31 hours processing 270+ absence requests and lose 14 hours managing 120 overtime requests

Have to manually request staff to work 320 additional hours across 40 open shifts

Require 150 HR documents, from job ads and policies to tax guides and handbooks

Use 14 custom reports or spreadsheets to manage their HR and payroll

Need an average of nine risk assessment documents (from 600+ potential risks)

How could this look for your business?

To see the hidden costs to your business, tell us how may employees you have

Annual cost of BrightHR


Return on your investments

for every $1 you spend


Annual cost to your business

Your average yearly spend


Your total cost breakdown

Timekeeping Tool$No employees selected
Document storage$No employees selected
Expenses$No employees selected
Recording staff lateness & absence$No employees selected
Recording overtime$No employees selected
HR documentation and specialist (policies, guides)$No employees selected
Accidents in your business$No employees selected
Advertising your products/services$No employees selected

Sources: The cost of HR documentation, recording staff lateness and absence to recording staff overtime is based on a UK day rate for a mid-level HR Manager validated by Hays Salary Guide. The cost of drafting a health & safety policy, conducting a risk assessment and accidents is validated by the HSE. The cost of advertising is based on an annual cost based on a monthly average spend validated by Expert Market. The cost for timekeeping, document storage, and expense tools is an average per employee per annum cost based on our market research as a leading HR SaaS provider. Annual cost of BrightHR is based off the BrightHR Protect Combined package for 12 months. Further information available on request. *Cost of single document rather than average yearly spend.

The best investment in HR and Health & Safety software you’ll ever make

Just think of the time you’ll free up, the stress you’ll avoid, and the money you’ll save to put back into your business—when everything you need is in one place.

Streamline your tools to a single platform—saving you and your business thousands each year.

You could hire someone full-time, but that is expensive…

The annual salary for an HR Manager is approximately £50,000

Plus, it costs over £45,000 for a Health & Safety manager or over £250 per day for ad-hoc, external guidance.

*As cited by Hays, leading specialist recruiter.

When you get professional HR and health & safety support, you can...

  • Automate your HR admin and save valuable time
  • Reduce costs in areas you don’t need to spend in
  • Save money through digital reporting and tracking
  • Improve retention by improving staff engagement
  • Streamline your people management and improve your operations
  • Create a safe, engaged, and productive workplace improving staff retention

Let BrightHR boost your bottom line


Smart HR software that streamlines your people management and manages everything in one place.

HS risk

Protect your business and staff from health & safety risks with 600+ risk assessment templates.

& templates

Access hundreds of expertly written policies, templates and guides and meet legal requirements.

HR advice

Confidently tackle ever changing employment laws with 24/7 unlimited access to trained experts.


Access fast-tracked wellbeing support from the UKI’s leading Employee Assistance Programme.