What is Blip? The future of clocking in and out

Blip: Free clock-in and clock-out app, exclusive to BrightHR customers

First published on Thursday, Aug 13, 2020

Last updated on Monday, Apr 16, 2018

3 min read

Tired of traditional clocking-in and out systems? Upgrade to Blipby BrightHR.

There’s no bulky machine, no clocking card, and no fee. Just one mobile app that tracks and records your team’s work hours. It’s even seamlessly integrated into your BrightHR desktop dashboard.

Want to find out more? Let us enlighten you.

How does Blip work?

It’s really simple. There are two ways that Blip makes clocking in and out a breeze.

One: Your employees use the app to scan a QR code—a type of barcode—when they arrive or leave work.

Each time they scan the code, Blip will register them as clocked in or out. You can then see this information for your whole team on your mobile or desktop.

Two: You set geofence locations with virtual boundaries. With geofencing, you no longer have to worry about being unsure of the hours your employees work while remote working.

Blip's GPS detects the virtual boundary and prompts your staff to clock in or out when you enter or leave the area.

So, the only decision you need to make is which one works for you and your teams.

How will Blip benefit me?

You’re used to wearing a lot of hats as a business owner. But wouldn’t you prefer to have more free time? That’s where Blip comes in.

Blip puts your staff in control of logging their hours and takes the pressure off you.

You don’t even have to be at work to see when your staff get in or leave. You can check when they’re working wherever you are.

And you can get rid of your overflowing filing cabinets. With Blip, you can export your team’s data and save it as a spreadsheet.

Find out more about the benefits of using a clocking-in app.

How Blip keeps you in line with the law?

It's important to trust your team, but when it comes to working hours, you can't just rely on their word. That's where Blip comes in.

It helps you maintain official records of your staff's hours, breaks, and overtime. This ensures you follow all the Working Time Regulations. With Blip, you can easily:

  • Record the core working hours and locations of your staff
  • Ensure that your staff are taking enough breaks
  • Keep track of all staff overtime
  • Export and save work histories for your employees

How do I start using Blip?

If you are already a BrightHR customer, then it takes minutes to set up Blip for your team.

You can either log into your BrightHR account from your desktop. Or head to the [Apple Store](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/blip-by-brighthr/id1294710168 'Download blip ) or Google Play and download the free app.

Then generate a QR code and print off as many as you like. Dot them around your workplace where your staff can see them. Or set up your geofence and let the system do the rest.

And that’s it. Your team are ready to use Blip.   

Need any help? See our full instructions on how to set up Blip by BrightHR.

Not a BrightHR customer? Book a free demo today to see Blip in action.

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