6 easy ways to boost employee wellbeing in your workplace

Supporting your staff’s mental health and wellbeing is good for your people and your business. But how do you do it? Let’s take a look…

First published on Thursday, Aug 13, 2020

Last updated on Monday, Jun 12, 2023

4 min read

One in four of us will be affected by mental health at some point in our lives. So, we all need to do what we can to help each other through the tough stuff.

As an employer, supporting your staff’s mental health makes you an impressive boss. It can also boost your business. After all, people do their best work when they’re in their best health.

We’ve put together six simple ways to support employee wellbeing in your workplace. Our strategies are practical and affordable. Let’s check them out…

1. Get your people moving

We know being active is good for physical health, but it can also work wonders for mental health.

Regular exercise can increase energy levels and improve concentration. It can also support better sleep and help combat stress and depression.

Exercise doesn’t mean you have to slog it out at the gym. Neither does it mean training for a triathlon or being able to bench press your body weight. A little exercise can make a big difference—so encourage your people to get moving.

You could get someone in to run a weekly fitness class after work. Or start a lunchtime walking group. Or even use exercise initiatives, like a step tracking app and reward the person who does the most steps in a week.

2. Encourage healthy eating

What we eat has a huge effect on our mental health. And we’re not talking about drastic diets or throwing yourself into the latest food trends (smashed avocado, anyone?). Just a few small changes can improve our workplace wellbeing.

Eating slow-release energy foods can help us avoid that ‘sugar crash’. Cutting back on caffeine can help us feel less anxious. And staying hydrated can help us stay focused.

So, help your staff feel their best by encouraging healthy eating habits at work. Consider offering Monday breakfasts to kick-start the week. You could also provide healthy snacks, such as fruit, and alternatives to caffeine-rich tea and coffee in your staff kitchen.

3. Create a positive company culture

A positive company culture is essential for your business. People who are more socially connected tend to have better mental health. Everyone doesn't need to be workplace best friends. But fostering a strong team spirit can give staff a sense of community and belonging.

Hold team meetings, encourage collaboration, and arrange Friday drinks. Your staff will feel part of something, and that’s essential for their wellbeing.

4. Celebrate team success

When there’s lots to do it’s easy to focus on our tasks, tick them off, and move on to the next one. But don’t forget to stop and celebrate success in your business, too.

It shows you value your employees’ efforts and achievements. It also acts as a powerful motivator. It boosts self-esteem and inspires people to work towards their next task.

5. Have an open door policy

79% of UK workers suffer from work-related stress that can lead to depression or anxiety. But if someone in your business is dealing with mental health issues, would you know about it?

Employees often feel scared to tell their manager they’re struggling. So, make sure your staff know that nobody needs to suffer in silence at work.

Tell them they can talk to you about any issues they’re facing. Discuss with them the ways you can support them and hold regular 1:1 meetings, so you can check in.

6. Offer an EAP (don’t worry, we’ll explain what that is)

While it’s good to talk. The reality is, even if you’re the world’s most supportive manager (and we know you are). Your employees might not want to discuss personal problems with The Boss.

You could invest in an employee assistance programme (EAP) like Bright Wellbeing & Counselling. It gives your staff access to a range of support services. These services include our 24/7 advice line and face-to-face counselling sessions.

When your staff need support, they always have somewhere to turn. You can be confident you’re doing your bit to help keep your people feeling happy and healthy in your business.

See our software in action to to discover how BrightHR can support your wellbeing and your staff’s.

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