Should you rethink your uniform policy in a heatwave?

With the UK in the midst of a heatwave, we discuss whether you should consider relaxing your uniform policy.

First published on Thursday, August 13, 2020

Last updated on Thursday, July 25, 2019

1 min read

The UK heatwave is in full swing. And no doubt, you’ve heard grumbles from staff asking you to relax your dress code during the clammy weather. 

But do you have to? Let’s find out.

What the law says

During hot weather, you’re under no obligation to relax dress codes.

That being said, you may want to allow staff to dress more casually in high temperatures to make the working environment more comfortable.  

Don’t worry though, this doesn’t mean that staff can come to work in beachwear and flip flops. Relaxing your dress code could be as simple as allowing staff to lose their business jacket or be able to wear smart sandals to work.

But whatever you decide, it’s important to be clear on how staff should dress during the hot weather and when the relaxed dress code ends.

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