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Bright Wellbeing and Counselling Poster

Bright Wellbeing and Counselling Poster

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Bright Wellbeing and Counselling Poster

Basic employment contract

Basic employment contract

All employers have an obligation to provide an employee with an employee contract. So, here’s a template to help you get it right.

Offer letter

Offer letter

‘I am pleased to offer you the position’. Making a job offer is an exciting time and the first step is to confirm everything in...

Application for employment

Application for employment

Using an application for employment form can ensure that you receive all of the information that you need at the start of the...

Redundancy letter

Making redundancies should always be a last resort, but if if the worst does comes to the worst you’ll need to ensure you get the...

Job description

Job description

What information do you need to include as part of your new job description? Let our job description template help take the...