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  • Reaching new heights in 2023: BrightHR software supports business growth in Australia

Reaching new heights in 2023: BrightHR software supports business growth in Australia

Since launching in Australia, BrightHR’s software has helped 20,000 local organisations navigate tough challenges and GROW their business. From journey to milestone, find out how we helped these businesses thrive and what’s next.

First published on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023

Last updated on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023

8 min read

Since launching in Australia, BrightHR’s software has helped 20,000 local organisations navigate tough challenges and GROW their business. From journey to milestone, find out how we helped these businesses thrive and what’s next.

BrightHR is proud to announce that through our HR software, advertising services, and advice—we’ve supported the growth of 20,000 Australian businesses. And without the feedback and support of these local businesses, we wouldn’t be here today. So, we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the business owners who have helped us reach this brand-new milestone.

But we’re getting a little bit ahead of ourselves here… let’s start from the very beginning and show you how we’ve helped this many businesses on their growth journeys so far.

Where did BrightHR’s journey in Australia begin?

We launched BrightHR in Australia with a mission to champion and support small business owners locally through our tailored HR and health & safety software. David Price, CEO of BrightHR ANZ has been established in Australia for over 10 years now. And he’s led BrightHR’s efforts to transform people management with affordable solutions, giving thousands of employers in the region their peace of mind back—that’s a lot of business owners enjoying HR harmony.

In his own words, David describes what hitting this milestone means to him personally. He says:

“I am thrilled to be celebrating such a major milestone for BrightHR in Australia and I can see us helping 30,000 clients and beyond in the next couple of years.

…With more small businesses per capita than anywhere else in the world, SMEs in Australia truly are the heartbeat of the Australian economy and I’m hugely proud that our software listens and speaks directly to their challenges.”

Reaching this new customer milestone not only means a great deal to David but it means a lot for local businesses here in Australia. You can watch his full speech in our short, insightful video.

So, how has BrightHR helped Australian businesses over the last 10 years?

Over the last 10 years of being established in Australia,** BrightHR has invested in several features specific to the AUS market, with plenty more on the horizon**. And as the market rebounds, from Sydney to Melbourne, the strength of micro-businesses continues to grow, and more businesses are relying on HR systems like BrightHR.

When the business world was disrupted by Covid-19, BrightHR introduced tools like vaccination recording and BrightSafe which had all the latest advice, templates, and guides to get businesses back up and running again—with a handy adviceline specific to risk management in the workplace. Plus, with the new world of work changing, we updated our software to help you effectively manage homeworkers with added features like geo-location tagging in our clocking-in-and-out system, Blip.

In the local market, there have been several major legislative changes impacting small businesses and we’re pleased to have been able to help thousands with advice on legislative updates—such as the Australian Government’s Fair Work Act—giving you peace of mind that your business is meeting the latest rules.

And it’s not just laws that you need to worry about when it comes to your employees. The last couple of years has given a rise to quiet quitting—a staffing phenomenon that means more workers have been quitting their jobs in search of something more meaningful—or better paid—or both!

That’s why in 2022 we launched the Turbo Talent Navigator to help managers navigate the entire employee lifecycle. Our all-in-one platform is designed to help you snatch up top talent before your competition.

But don’t just take it from us, we couldn’t have made these fundamental changes without feedback from valued local businesses like Searchbar and Stoneline LTD.

Here’s what Ankit Chalany, Director of Searchbar had to say about his relationship with BrightHR. He says:

“Before having Bright onboard we were struggling with managing employees and their documents. It was taking a lot of our time from our day to day. As a director, I had little time to work on to the admin or keeping myself up to date with employment law, so we decided to go with BrightHR to cover our HR and employment law.

*...When we started using BrightHR we realised how efficient the platform is for us, it saved a lot of time, money, and stress. It helps cover my whole HR admin tasks with the fraction of price.” *

We’ve now helped thousands of business owners like Ankit automate their people management and lower their risk. Read on to learn exactly how businesses can grow with BrightHR…

How does BrightHR help your business thrive in today’s market?

With a rapidly changing market, you’ll need to keep moving to help your business thrive. That’s why you need an all-in-one HR provider that moves with the market, understands your needs and constantly updates its solutions to help you grow.

So, where do you start?

Automating your fiddly admin tasks may not be high on your priority list, but it will free up time to focus on growing your business and save you labour costs. You can see the popularity of these speedy online systems by measuring their huge uptake and daily usage: globally, managers and staff using BrightHR have logged 4.4 million staff holidays, created 210,000 schedules, and clocked in to work 22.5 million times. Big numbers!

And automating isn’t the sole way to save you money, BrightHR is the only HR platform with a free marketplace: Bright Exchange. Where iab predict that the cost to advertise will rise by 5.9% over 2023, Bright Exchange lets you *create an unlimited number of adverts** in front of over 1 million potential customers for FREE. Plus, with member-only access, you can excite both your current employees and entice talented new recruits.

But exactly why is this support so vital for Australian business owners? David Price, CEO of BrightHR ANZ, says:

“Australia is a very entrepreneurial place to be, so I think the online marketplace we offer is a game changer. A rising number of businesses are using it to advertise their products and shrink their ad spend, so I think this goes to show that it truly is making a difference for small and micro-SMEs—who are after all the backbone of Australian business.”

And in terms of the longevity of BrightHR’s support for SMEs, it’s not just today’s market we’ll help you thrive in. We’re always looking to the future thanks to our consistent customer feedback. David sums it up brilliantly when he says:

“It’s the contact with our customer base that drives our development. And we’ve never been in a better position or more committed to supporting our small business community.”

And on the note of new developments…

What is coming to BrightHR in 2023?

What can we look forward to in 2023 with BrightHR? Well, we’ll let David take this one too…

“You can look forward to more collaboration with customers, more insights and more features that meet your needs. We have lots of exciting improvements in the works, designed to make things a little bit Brighter for everyone.”

And he’s right our new releases keep on coming. To kick the year off, we launched BrightLearn, our brand-new online micro-learning platform designed to upskill you and your staff on a wide range of HR topics anytime, anywhere, at no extra cost.

Because with more training you and your staff are better equipped to handle an ever-changing world and evolving job needs. Plus, employee development perks help to attract valuable new recruits and keep staff engaged.

And of course, we’ve got other exciting new releases in the works, too. Next up on our roadmap is added leave balances. We’ll be adding in leave balances so that employees can request annual leave. Leave balances will be accrued based specifically on accrual rates in ANZ and the amount of hours an employee works. Plus, we’re working on a free tool that speeds up your health & safety incident reporting, keeping you safe and legally compliant. So, keep your eyes peeled for that one…

Oh, and did you know we’re one of the only HR software providers that let you see our product before you pay a cent? Find out what BrightHR can do for your business. For your own personal tour, book your FREE BrightHR demo today.

  • *2023 Outlook Survey, iab (November 2022) PowerPoint Presentation (iab.com)

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