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Helpful reports, user guides, infographics and document templates from the team here at BrightHR

Your guide to choosing the right HR software

Your guide to choosing the right HR software

4.35 MB

The right HR software can become the backbone of your business. But there’s lots to consider when choosing your provider.

From a handy checklist of the features you need to look for, to the risks that software can help you avoid, our Guide to HR Software covers it all.

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What’s changing with Closing Loopholes 2024?

What’s changing with Closing Loopholes 2024?

4.04 MB

The employment relations landscape is set to change in line with the Fair Work Legislation Amendment Closing Loopholes Act 2023...

Five lessons in HR and Health & Safety

Five lessons in HR and Health & Safety

5.15 MB

BrightHR uncovers 5 major HR and health & safety slip ups that caused a stir

Get actionable tips to prevent HR and...

Bright Rewind: Your 2023 Wrapped

Bright Rewind: Your 2023 Wrapped

21.2 MB

Your remix of 2023’s employment trends is here! From sick day surges, last-minute holidays, and reoccurring lateness. Get...

Sickness certification form

Sickness certification form

26.46 KB

Issue this form to your employees upon returning to work following any period of sickness. This form should be completed for all...

Refusal of annual leave policy

Refusal of annual leave policy

48.26 KB

Provide this letter to your employees if you need to refuse an annual leave request. Download your template here.